One Montevallo, We’re better together.

Join us in building unity through storytelling.

The Montevallo Legacy Project finds, preserves, and shares stories of our town’s past. Our mission is to uncover legacies that light the way to a more promising future for Montevallo citizens. We believe in the transformative power of storytelling. We invite others to join us in the effort of creating narratives that imagine and foster a more inclusive future for members of all communities.

Untold Stories of Black Montevallo

Originally featured in Montevallo's Chamber Chatter, our stories amplify the voices of African descendants in and around Montevallo. While some narratives recount darker moments, together they celebrate the dignity, pride, resourcefulness, kindness, and hospitality of the African American community. Read on to discover the untold stories that bring our town’s rich Black history to light.

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Untold Stories

Montevallo African American Heritage Trail

The Montevallo Legacy Project is proud to partner with the Montevallo Historic Preservation Commission in creating the Montevallo African Heritage Trail. While the trail continues to develop, you can explore the current locations and future additions through our interactive digital map.


Help recover and preserve our history, our community, and our legacy.

Click the button below to learn all the ways to support our story sharing efforts and Montevallo history.